MUMS!! What is actually happening?!!!
How crazy is our world?! It really feels like life right now is being written by a 4th grader (I saw this on a meme just recently). “And there was this virus, and everyone was scared. And then the world ran out of toilet paper, yeah, and then there was no school for like a month and then it snowed!!”.
I have just come back from a short girls trip to Bali and am literally being treated like I have the plague. Working from home on house arrest. I am kind of loving it though also, husband is doing the shopping (I hate grocery shopping), mind you, I think he called 66 times while he was there but at least I got to stay in my jarmies (winning!). We have had our toilet paper delivered for years now by a company called Who Gives A Crap, 50% of their profits go toward building toilets in the developing world. Good for your bum, Great for the world! So at least we don’t have to do that walk of shame. Every day it seems like there is another restriction put on us that is just nothing like we have ever seen of before.
I am secretly loving the time at home with the fur babies, and feel soooooooo lucky I am also able to work from home. I am looking at the back of my pantry at ingredients that I usually ignore and just buy more and now thinking of what I can make out of it with supplies low at the shops, remembering we can actually make stuff from scratch but usually don’t have the time. Time to sort out the spare room of junk that’s slowly built up, I even went out the back and did some gardening thinking if it escalates I may have to grow some stuff.
But I can imagine for mums of little ones, and big ones, it would be a little crazier than usual. A good time to dust off the family board games have a puzzle table to come and spend some time doing, baking cookies or cupcakes. Let the lawn grow and mow a maze out there, get creative – I’ve actually done this before when I was a single mum and just couldn’t keep up with the lawn, for me it was one of my lowest moments but the kids still talk about it as one of their best days ever!
Use this time with the kids you never get because life is usually just so damn busy. And then at the end of the day, put the clocks forward a couple of hours, like all smart mums do, and put the kids to bed early after reading your favourite bedtime nursery rhyme book, I know a good one for pre-sale atm ;).
Ring a ring a rosé.
We’ve had a really good day.
I kiss you, I kiss you.
We all lay down!
(and go to sleep, goodnight!)
and then we sit down on the lounge watching our favourite trash tv and drink that rosé. Cheers! x
So, what is this book?

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One Comment
Chris Brand
I am not a mum but I am a very proud DAD!!!