Book Launch Day!
Book launch day is here!!! So excited for everyone to finally read it and let me know what they think. It has been a long time in the making and I just couldn’t be happier with how it’s turned out. Please if you’re reading this, let me know in comments down below what you think.
I had a big book launch party planned for tonight with all of my best girls and lots of rosé. Coronavirus has knocked that on the head but I will still have it when the world stops ending. I hope we all remember how to party!
I have a stock of books ready to go out to everyone, so stoked at my sales already!! If you are a Mackay local you can pop over and pick up today, I’ll even get dressed out of my P.J’s and put a bra on 🙂
A huge thank you also to my ever-supportive hubs and kids that always just go with the flow of whatever I decided to do next.
We will still be celebrating tonight and it will be rosé all round, we’ll just be on Facetime!! Cheers

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Kerry Dew
Hi Michelle. Congratulations. That isa wonderful achievement. Can’t see how to buy one though.
Kerry xxoo
Hi Kerry! Thank you!! You can purchase in the Buy tab or the Ring a Ring a Rosé tab under Books x