Sneak Peak! shhhhhh
I don’t want to give too much away but wanted to show you a wee sneak peak so you know what to look forward to.
After lots of searching, I was lucky enough to stumble across my wonderful illustrator Izzy, who just knew how to get whatever was in my head onto the page. The most patient person, really grateful. So without any more hesitation, here it is.

A little background on this illustration, the ‘bar man’ character is based off my dog ‘Koda’ – the most dopey placid big boy you’ll ever meet. We’ve up styled him to be a classy guy for the book.
The cat mum character is my son’s cat ‘Princess Leia’ who I didn’t want him to get when he was living at home and was talking to my husband about who said to me “it’s just a little cat”, and that was it, we had a cat. Anyway, I fell in love with her and now she’s never allowed to leave.
The dad cat is my friend Kasey’s cat ‘Gavin’, he has the most character of any cat I’ve ever seen. He has his own Instagram page @gavinsfarmlife if you want to see what adventures Gav gets up to.
What pets don’t have Instagram these days?
Keep up with Koda on Instagram @kodaweimx and follow Princess Leia @princess_leia_the_kitten_.